Loneliness and Identity

The Greater Vancouver Area is often considered “the lonely city”. As adults we struggle to hold on to friends and deal with the heavy weight of loneliness inside us. Your relationship with yourself can also feel disconnected, and like you have to be a different person for every occasion. While we’re supposed to be social chameleons, it can sometimes come at a cost.

You may:

  • Feel like the parts of you inside don’t add up

  • Feel like others “don’t get it” or can’t relate

  • Struggle to deepen connections

  • Often wonder if the people you care about care about you

  • Feel like you know who you are, and yet you don’t

  • You feel unsatisfied with something and you don’t exactly know what

How Therapy Helps

Individual therapy focuses on you and your journey. Together, we can look at what you’re going through and understand what is really going on. Working with me, you can decide how all the different pieces inside you fit together, and you can decide how you want your future to look like.

With your experience and my practice we can build on your relationships both with others and with yourself— and luckily, since those two go hand in hand— it may be easier than you think!

Next Steps

Head on over to my booking site for a free 15-minute consultation and see if this next step is right for you.