Anxiety and Worry
Living with anxiety feels draining. It leaves you feeling exhausted at the end of the day, but also makes sleep all the more difficult. Especially when you consider how different your life would be if you could worry less, you may even feel frustration.
Struggling with anxiety, you may:
Always be worrying
Feeling physically tense or scared
Feeling dizzy or sick to your stomach from stress
Feeling like your thoughts are “too loud”
Experiencing “pins and needles”
Seeking reassurance from others, or constantly double-checking facts
How Therapy Helps
Anxiety feels more prevalent than ever in our fast-pace society, but the good news is that support is as well. Individual therapy focuses on you and your journey. Together, we can discuss what you’re going through and where we can help.
We can implement strategies to work on the anxiety short-term, which will give us space to dive deeper in conversation and find out what’s happening underneath the anxiety. Working with me, we can walk through your anxiety together and help bring you to a place where we don’t have to be held back by this anymore.
Next Steps
Head on over to my booking site for a free 15-minute consultation and see if this next step is right for you.