Trauma and Healing
Sometimes you stop and realise that the people around you don’t really understand how you think. In your life, you know what you lived through has changed you, and you’re not sure how to move forward.
Whether you connect with the word trauma or not, that doesn’t mean you need to work on a specific thing. It’s possible you just want your therapist to be knowledgeable of how these incidents effect you as you move to increase awareness.
You may:
Feel like you’re on high alert or constantly on the lookout
Experience feelings of panic and sadness, or shut down completely
Feel like you’re full of stress even when you “should” be calm
Feel like you can’t connect with others
Want to make positive changes in your life, but don’t know where or how
Have tried to reach out to friends or even professional supports such as other therapists, but it left you feeling even more wounded or misunderstood
How Therapy Helps
I understand that you have probably done a lot on your own to get to where you are today. The next steps you take don’t have to be alone. Working with me, you can decide what parts of your life we talk about and what you want to improve.
By first strengthening your self-care, coping, and tolerance you will surprise yourself at how far you can go.
Next Steps
Head on over to my booking site for a free 15-minute consultation and see if this next step is right for you.